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Strike 3 Holdings Cases Continue Surging Nationwide

| Dec 14, 2021 | Bittorrent, Copyright Infringement |

Strike 3 Holdings Cases Continue Surging Nationwide

December 13, 2021

Categories: Bittorrent

Strike 3 Holdings Cases Continue Surging Nationwide

Strike 3 Holdings has been employing their aggressive copyright enforcement campaign for several years. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the intensity has increased in the winter of 2021. If you got a letter from your ISP regarding a Strike 3 Holdings case filed in any of the federal courts around the United States, act fast and call me immediately for a free consultation at 312-900-9723. Due to the fact that Strike 3 Holdings cases continue purging nationwide, I can talk to you about your exposure in the case and the potential outcomes based on your personal situation.

What is this case about?

Strike 3 cases continue nationwide and have a predictable trajectory. They have filed hundreds of them across the country, and they all work the same way. If you got an ISP subpoena letter about Strike 3, they are accusing you of using a BitTorrent app or website to download and distribute their films. Many people using torrent apps and websites, and sometimes they don’t fully understand how it works. Because of that, they sometimes don’t know that they risk being accused of copyright infringement.

Torrent apps and websites divide movies into little pieces to move them between users. After a user gets all the pieces of a single movie, the app or website stitches them together so the user has a whole movie file to watch. While the user is downloading the pieces needed to watch the movie, the app or website is sending out pieces of the movie to other torrent users. That’s how BitTorrent works.

When a user’s computer sends a piece out and it is sent to the expert for Strike 3, they will have your IP address and will include it in a lawsuit seeking damages for copyright infringement. Because these cases continue nationwide they will always feature the same cast of forensic experts. Strike 3’s forensic expert in Germany patrols the internet looking for people sending out pieces of Strike 3 movies. After they catch pieces of the moving coming from a particular IP address, Strike 3 takes that information and includes the IP address in a copyright infringement lawsuit.

What can I do?

If you got a subpoena notification letter from your ISP about a lawsuit filed in your state, Strike 3 has filed a lawsuit against you directly. They already have your name and address from the original case they filed nationwide. Filing a lawsuit in your home jurisdiction is the logical next step to escalate their copyright enforcement program. The filing of the complaint in your home jurisdiction is the first step in the litigation on your home turf, but not the last. This is your chance to either settle your case or formally begin the litigation before your name is made public.

I got a Strike 3 Holdings copyright letter about a case in a certain state. Why am I getting a second letter about a new case?

You probably got a letter from your ISP after Strike 3 filed the first case in a certain state. If you have been sued in your home state you received a second letter from your ISP. That one lists the federal court where you live and a brand new case number. You’re probably reading this website because you got such a letter. Your ISP will provide you with a deadline by which they will comply with the subpoena. Once Strike 3 files a lawsuit in your home jurisdiction things will move quickly toward either settlement or litigation. If you choose to litigate there is a risk of your name becoming part of the public record. However, I can help you take action to avoid public disclosure of your identity.

I have 10 years of experience litigating and settling movie download cases involving pornography. I am one of the few attorneys in the country who has litigated one to conclusion. You can read about my success against Malibu Media, another pornography production house that files similar copyright infringement cases here.

Why is it important to act fast?

Strike 3 Holdings cases are like most cases: you can maximize your results if you at quickly after you receive a subpoena notification letter. If you received a letter from your ISP regarding a Strike 3 subpoena, you should act now to protect your identity from public disclosure. If you fail to respond after you receive notice from your ISP, Strike 3 proceed with your individual lawsuit and will eventually amend the lawsuit to publicly name you and have you served.

Do not wait to act until after you are served a copy of the summons and complaint.

The service of a summons and complaint is a major step toward your name becoming public. It is hard to remove your name from a court’s docket. In some instances I can file a motion asking the court to remove your name from the docket. There is no guarantee that the judge will allow it. The judge may allow your name to be removed from the court’s public docket. Websites that keep track of lawsuits filed across the country may have already listed your lawsuit on their site. They are under no obligation to remove your name.

Attorney Erin Russell can help.

If you received a letter or a summons regarding a Strike 3 copyright case, you should call me today for a free consultation. First we will talk about your case and I can explain your options. We can talk about your exposure based on the number of movies Strike 3 alleges you downloaded, combined with your individual financial situation. I give you an idea of your financial and legal exposure, and provide you with a plan to protect your identity.  We can talk about what it costs to litigate, and what it costs to settle.

Call 312-900-9723 for a free consultation directly with me, Attorney Erin Russell, any time, seven days per week. I will provide you with all of the information you need to make an informed decision about how to handle Strike 3. After we talk, you will be armed with all of the information you need to choose the right path for you. You will have options that take all of your circumstances in to consideration.

This is a list of the most currently-filed nationwide Strike 3 Holdings copyright cases:

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 4:21-cv-3815

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6252

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6255

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6256

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6253

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6254

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 4:21-cv-3816

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 4:21-cv-3819

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 4:21-cv-3820

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-5190

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-5188

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-1176

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-5184

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-5183

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-1175

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-5179

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-5181

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-1174

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-1173

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-1171

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-1172

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 8:21-cv-1917

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 8:21-cv-1916

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6522

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6520

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6521

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6514

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6519

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6518

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6517

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6516

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6515

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6513

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6526

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-1169

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6525

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6523

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6524

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-9160

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 8:21-cv-1915

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 8:21-cv-1914

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-9162

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-9163

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-9157

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-9155

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-9153

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-1168

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-1167

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-1166

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-872

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-871

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-869

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-868

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 6:21-cv-2000

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 6:21-cv-1999

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 6:21-cv-1998

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 6:21-cv-1995

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 6:21-cv-1993

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 6:21-cv-1992

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 6:21-cv-1991

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 5:21-cv-9113

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-9103

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-9113

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-9110

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-9104

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 5:21-cv-9090

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 4:21-cv-9103

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-9106

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-9096

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 4:21-cv-9102

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 4:21-cv-9096

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 4:21-cv-9093

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 4:21-cv-9091

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 6:21-cv-1984

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 5:21-cv-5191

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-5185

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-5182

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-5189

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-5180

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-5178

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 4:21-cv-9090

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-1177

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 5:21-cv-9106

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-1000

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-12758

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-12757

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-12756

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-12755

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-12753

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-12754

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-12752

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-12751

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-12750

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-12749

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-12748

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 2:21-cv-12747

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-12749

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-9218

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-9220

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 4:21-cv-9214

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 4:21-cv-9216

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-24185

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-24187

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-24182

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-24183

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-24178

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-24180

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-24177

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 5:21-cv-9222

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 5:21-cv-9221

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 5:21-cv-9218

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 5:21-cv-9220

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-12755

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-9211

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6370

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6368

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6367

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6369

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 1:21-cv-6366

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 5:21-cv-9216

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 5:21-cv-9214

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 5:21-cv-9215

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-9213

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 5:21-cv-9217

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-9209

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-9206

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 4:21-cv-9215

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 3:21-cv-9217

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 4:21-cv-9211

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. John Doe Subscriber Assigned IP Address — 5:21-cv-12751

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC V. Unknown Infringers Identified on EXHIBIT 1 – 2021-031976-CC-05

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 8:21-cv-2982

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 8:21-cv-2983

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 2:21-cv-6484

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 2:21-cv-6485

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 2:21-cv-6480

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 2:21-cv-6479

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 2:21-cv-6483

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 2:21-cv-6482

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 2:21-cv-6478

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 2:21-cv-6477

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 8:21-cv-2985

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 3:21-cv-1555

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 3:21-cv-1554

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 3:21-cv-1556

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-10094

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-10092

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-10089

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-10088

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-10090

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-10093

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-1319

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-1315

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-1318

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-1317

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-1316

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-1307

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-1313

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-1314

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-1312

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-1309

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-1308

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-1310

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-1311

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-1244

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-1245

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 1:21-cv-1246

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 7:21-cv-10095

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 7:21-cv-10096

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe — 3:21-cv-1604

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. John Doe — 3:21-cv-1998

